v0.6.0 - Hunker Down is now Schismo’s Sideshow!

Hunker Down is now Schismo's Sideshow!

The game formerly known as Hunker Down has been reimagined, revitalized, and reborn as Schismo’s Sideshow!


  • New menus
  • New HUD
  • New loading screen (this one doesn’t crash when you try to click!)
  • New music
  • New sound effects
  • New player art (who doesn’t love hovercrafts?)
  • New projectile art
  • Schismo hurries the player when time gets low
  • Mobs can now appear without a spawner
  • Mobs, items, and player stats all adjusted significantly
  • Other fixes and adjustments

What's coming next?

The progression systems are being overhauled!

  • Gain more control over your build with upgrade choices
  • Permanently unlock massive bonuses in the form of marble and stamp collections
  • Lite upgrades will provide an edge when you just need a little extra something

We’re also continuing to enhance the game’s soundscape and visuals, and new stages will likely appear soon…


Schismo's Sideshow v0.6.0.zip 743 MB
May 11, 2024

Get Schismo's Sideshow

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